The Dunsmoor Family


Favorite Quote

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot been seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart.
-Helen Keller

Friday, April 5, 2013

I wish time would slow down

It's so hard for me to believe that I have a 17 month old baby! I love that she is growing and progressing but I wish I could just slow time enough to remember every little detail!

 Some things about her, things she's doing and things I want to remember:

  • Her chubby belly, double chin, bald head, fat feet and chub hands......she's a ball of cuteness!
  • When she gets hurt, she wants me to kiss her oowws better
  • The way she gets so excited when her Dad comes home..........Eyes get big and light up, huge open mouthed smile, and screams Dada!
  • Her love for music and dancing.
    • This girl is too cute! Every time she hears a beat she moves her little body. She sometimes dances in her sleep.
  • She loves singing!
    • Her favorites right now are Bruno Mars....because one of his songs sounds like a dog barking in the back ground and she barks with it. Justin Beiber......not sure she will ever outgrow him or the song Baby. 
    • Right now she knows the actions to Itsy Bitsy Spider, Patty Cake, and a couple to Popcorn Popping. We sing The wheels on the bus... she does the Shhhing part that the Mom's say!  I've also been working on Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam. 
  • Her vocabulary is huge....well to me.. and mimics everything. I swear she learns a new word everyday.
  • She still LOVES being outside
  • Is very curious
  • Makes everything a seat.........just backs that thing up! HAHA!
  • So full of personality. We call her Hambone when she is silly
  • She pretends to fart and then laughs!
  • She loves friends and loves when they come to play! 
  • She is not crying as much as when she was tiny.......but she still has hard days!
  • She is learning to pray and it melts me!

I know there is so much more I should put on here but it's hard to think of it all! I'm having a hard time with her growing up!

Toddlers and Tiaras. ........not quite!

Pedipeds was having a cast call in Oct of last year. I thought it would be fun to go even if nothing came of it. She got the call back and in November to come for a photo shoot. She was so cute, totally comfortable  modeling her shoes! I can see more modeling in her future!
(Now....if I (my body) could only look like her "stage" Mom!)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Check up

On Thursday, Irelynd went in for her 15 month check up.  Great news.........she finally passed that hearing test in her left ear.  I knew she could hear.....but it is comforting to know she passed and it's no longer speculation on my part.  She did great. Gained 2 pounds this last 3 months and grew another inch.  She is a super busy girl and so much fun! 

15 Months

I can't believe this girl is 15 months

Somethings she is doing right now are:

  • Still doesn't sleep through the night....oh well!
  • Vocabulary has grown, words she can say...mama, dada, uh-oh, nana (banana), hi, doggie, car, cracker, cheese, eye, nose. She has said cookie and please only once,we're working in it.
  • She can recognize a couple body parts. ..eye, nose, belly
  • She can help put her shoes on
  • Sits on everything
  • Will blow kisses
  • Yells Dada when she hears the door open at night and goes running to him
  • Starting to finally eat a little more solids..
  • Loves her sissy
  • Loves when people come to visit
  • Loves being outside
  • Waves and says hi when entering a room 
She is ALL girl! Loves shoes, clothes, and animals. She is talkative  outgoing, and nosey! She LOVES to dance and will dance anytime anywhere. She still loves her Justin Beiber. 
Our little Beans is growing fast and cracks us up everyday. Just trying to enjoy her as these little ones tend to grow up too fast!

Some Of Our Favs