Mckenzee was born 11 years ago as of 7:53 this morning. She was 8lbs even and 19 1/2 inches long.
She had the chicken pox before she was 2 years old.
She started calling our dog her brother when she was about 3 or 4. When we would go to the grocery store, the checkers would give suckers. Once they asked her if she had any brothers or sisters at home. She replied "yes, my brother is 10". They asked her what his name was and she replied, "Kujo". You should have seen the looks, I would smile and just laugh to myself.
She loves having mom and daughter shopping days.
Mckenzee loves animals of every kind.
She wants to be a vet
She loves watching animal planet, funniest pets, and pet vet
Mckenzee loves the Jonas Brothers
She loves having friends, especially the ones at her new school
Mckenzee is just a fun loving girl, with a beautiful smile and an infectious laugh. We have so much fun together, being girls, having mom/daughter sleepovers on the tramp, telling jokes and silly dancing. She loves her family and loves spending time with everyone in it. (It's big). I am so lucky that I get to be her mom. Happy Birthday Kenz, I love you!
(Today she had free dress because it was her birthday )
Happy Birthday Mckenzee!!! That is crazy she is already 11!!!!!! I think when I first met you she was, like, 3! I thought she was such a cute girl, and she still is. And you can tell she has a very sweet heart. What a good mom you are doing sleepovers and shopping days.
The story about her "brother" Kujo was HILARIOUS!! I am cracking up.
Happy Birthday!
There are SO many September birthdays!
BTW- I love that you have 'gangsta' rap on your play list!
I thought the dog story was hilariuos too! She is definitely a sweet and funny girl. Happy Birthday McKenzee. We love you!
Oh my gosh! I feel so old! You are going to have some trouble in a couple of years when kenz joins the dating scene!
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